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Pancreatic Cancer Facts

Pancreatic cancer occurs when a malignant tumour forms in the pancreas.

In Northern Ireland approximately 260 people are diagnosed each year. In the whole of the UK,

approximately 10,000 people are newly diagnosed each year.


Pancreatic cancer affects men and women equally with incidence increasing from the age of 45.

The average age for men at diagnosis is 72, women is 74.


From 2009-2013  cases among males  increased by 29.9% from an annual average of 107 cases in to

139 cases in 2014-2018. 

From  2009-2013  cases among females increased by 6.0% from an annual average of 116 cases in to

123 cases in 2014-2018.


Survival from pancreatic cancer is strongly related to age at diagnosis with five-year survival decreasing as age increases.  

Five-year net survival ranged from 13.8% among patients aged 15-54 at diagnosis to 1.7% among those aged 75 and over.


Five-year net survival among pancreatic cancer patients aged 75 and over was 1.1% for men and 2.1% for women.


â–ª At the end of 2018, there were 289 people (Males: 162; Females: 127) living with pancreatic cancer who had been diagnosed with the disease during 1994-2018. â–ª Of these, 56.1% were male, 57.4% were aged 70 and over, and 43.9% had been diagnosed in the previous year.


For further information & statistics see Northern Ireland Cancer Registry website Here



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