Researchers at Queen’s University Belfast, in partnership with the NIPANC, are conducting a survey to gather information about the needs of those supporting someone with a pancreatic cancer diagnosis as well as the psychological impact that a loved one’s diagnosis may have.
This research is led by Tara Anderson, one of four PhD students supported by NIPANC, whose research aims to better understand the experiences and needs of those affected by pancreatic cancer in NI and to help inform the development and enhancement of support for families.

This study has received ethical approval from the Faculty of Medicine, Health, and Life Sciences, QUB (Ref: MHLS 24_137)
The survey is open to everyone, aged 18+, who has a family member currently living with a pancreatic cancer diagnosis.
If you would like to participate please go to:
For further information, or any questions, please contact Tara:
For anyone who might be able to signpost people to this survey, Tara can provide paper copies of the survey with envelopes and stamps for individuals to post them back, as well as flyers with some info on the survey and a link & QR code which people can use to complete it online.
Additionally, this is open to all those supporting someone with a pancreatic diagnosis which might include the patient's partner, adult children, siblings, and close friends (not just the primary caregiver).